Brokenness Poem
I know too many broken people
broke into pieces
they think
they cannot fix.
Like shattered glass
They may cut you
when you try to uplift
slice the helping hands
hoping to heal
the harm
that has happened to them
They often hurt in silence
smile in your face today
and tomorrow
You may hear of how their brokenness
has escalated into acts of violence
Sometimes we judge these broken people
and call them names
label them, sometimes forget
that like flipping a coin,
they too can change.
But what does it really mean to be broken
when it is broken people
that have helped mend the world?
Realize that in our brokenness
is when our true lives unfurl.
My brokenness
gave me hope again
Transformed the shape of the world i knew
gave me a new beginning,
allowed me to
recreate the world i live in
Brokenness is a sign of re-creation
a sign of growth
we fear brokenness
because we fear the unknown
and uncertainty
But brokenness
can piece our holes perfectly
sometimes permanently
If you’ve never known brokenness
how will you know
when you are whole?
If you’ve never been broken
how would you measure
your growth?
"Brokeness Poem." Copyright ©2021 by Randell Adjei.